Integration of the hybrid and bespoke solutions
Examples of Integration of the ROLEX hybrid and bespoke solutions:
- rolex.jewelrygoldfinger.com (Caribbean - Website powered by Joomla - Bespoke solution)
- gandelman.net (Aruba - Website powered by Joomla - Bespoke solution)
- rolexboutique-stthomas.com (US Virgin Islands - Website powered by Joomla - Bespoke solution)
- rolexboutique-stbarthelemy.com (St. Barthélemy - Website powered by Joomla - Hybrid solution)
- crisson.com (Bermuda- Website powered by WordPress - Hybrid solution)
IDIM web takes care of the implementation of the hybrid and bespoke solutions of ROLEX (full or partial implementation depending on the sites), in conjunction with ROLEX in the Bahamas, on the sites of its official retailers.
The implementation is carried out on all types of sites (Joomla, WordPress, SquareSpace).
The ROLEX specifications are very precise and detailed and must be respected to the letter, which is a strength of the brand and allows a perfect control of its image.
The implementation of the solution requires mastery of HTML and CSS. Knowledge of JavaScript is also necessary.
IDIM web is a partner recommended by Rolex throughout the Caribbean.