Website of the jewelry Gandelman - Aruba (Caribbean)

Website Creation - Aruba


Site link:

In 2021, Rolex asked IDIMweb to integrate the Rolex hybrid solution to the site. The site was at that time powered by WordPress but had many problems and bugs. Gandelman then asked IDIMweb to rebuild the website.
In order to minimize costs, it was decided to keep the same design, with some improvements.

In 2023, IDIM web has been in charge of the implementation of the Rolex bespoke solution.

  • Migration from WordPress to Joomla
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Integration of Rolex Bespoke Solution
  • SEO

About Gandelman

Since opening in Aruba in 1981, Gandelman has become renowned on the island with locals and visitors alike. As the exclusive retailer of some of the best names in luxury, Gandelman offers the finest collections in jewelry, watches and accessories, all at Caribbean duty free prices.